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The Fish That Worked a Miracle (75)

The Fish That Worked a Miracle

The Fish That Worked a Miracle

(The Power of Wholesomeness)

Once upon a time, the Bodhisattva was born as a pond fish in northern India. There were all kinds of fishes, big and small, living in that pond with the Bodhisattva. All went well until one day, a period of severe drought occurred. Somehow, the rainy season did not come as usual. Crops died and many ponds, lakes and rivers dried up from the lack of water.

The fishes and turtles, in a frantic bid to stay alive and save themselves, dug and buried themselves deep in the wet mud. The crows and other birds that were around the pond were pleased to see this. They hovered around for a while before using their beaks to pull up the frightened little muddy fishes and gobble them up.

The suffering, pain and death experienced by other fishes around the Bodhisattva greatly saddened him. It filled him with pity and compassion, and he wished he could help relieve their suffering. He realised that he was the only one who could save them, but it would take a miracle to do so.

The Bodhisattva was pure in body for he had never taken the life of any being. He was determined to use his purity to invoke rain from the sky and release his relatives from their misery and deaths.
With great determination, he pulled himself up from under the black mud. He was a huge fish, and after being stained by the dark coloured mud, he appeared as black as polished ebony. He opened his eyes, which sparkled like rubies, looked up at the sky, and beckoned the rain god Pajjunna. “Oh my friend Pajjunna, god of rain, my heart is heavy for my relatives’ sake. Why is it that you send no rain from heaven when I, one who is perfectly wholesome, am distressed for my relatives?” he exclaimed.

“Though I’m born among fishes, I have never eaten another of my kind, even one as tiny as a rice grain, for survival. In fact, I have never robbed any beings of their lives. The truth of my purity gives me the right to order you: bring forth the thunder and the rain! Relieve the suffering of my relatives!
“Let the rain drops fall from the thunderclouds! Do not allow the crows to find their hidden treasures! Make them feel the sorrow of their unwholesome actions. At the same time, release me from my sorrow, for I have lived in perfect wholesomeness,” he continued, in a commanding tone, as though he was ordering a servant, to the mighty rain god Pajjunna.

A short while later, it was as if the heavens heard the protestation, for it poured heavily, and saved many — fishes, turtles and even humans — from the fear of death. When the great fish that had worked this miracle eventually died, he was reborn as he deserved.

The moral is True purity and wholesomeness relieve the suffering of many.

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