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Illisa the Cheap ( 78 )

Illisa the Cheap


Once upon a time, there was a billionaire in northern India who was an adviser to a king. Although he was very rich, he was not good-looking at all. He was lame, had crooked feet and deformed hands. Even his eyes were crooked too, for he was crosseyed. Some said he had a crooked mind as well, for he had no religion whatsoever. You might think that people would call him ‘Illisa the Crooked’, but that was not the case. Illisa also happened to be a miser. He refused to give anything to anybody. He was so stingy that he could not even bear to spend a single cent for his own enjoyment.

Because of that, it was said that his home was just like a pond possessed by demons, where no one could quench his thirst. Interestingly enough, Illisa’s ancestors, of the past seven generations, were philanthropists. They were the most generous of gift givers who gave away the very best of their possessions. But when Illisa inherited the family fortune, he put a halt to that great family tradition.
For instance, the family had always maintained a charity dining hall, where anyone in need could come for a free hot meal. But Illisa had that razed to the ground. He also forced the poor and hungry away from his home, hitting them as they left. He felt they were a burden and only incurred extra expenses for him. Because of his stinginess, people soon started calling him ‘Illisa the Cheap’.
One day, Illisa was on his way home from the palace when he saw a tired, worn-out villager by the side of the road. The man had obviously walked a great distance. He was sitting on the ground, pouring some cheap wine into a cup. As he was drinking it, he ate some smelly dried fish for snacks. Seeing the villager savour his drink made Illisa thirsty for some liquor too. “I would love to have a drink! But if I do, others may want to drink with me, and that would cost me money!” he thought. Unwilling to share with others, he suppressed his craving for alcohol.

Alas, his craving did not disappear. Suppressing it and thinking about it constantly made him sick instead. As time passed, his skin turned yellow, and he grew so thin that his veins protruded out from his flesh. He fought a constant battle against his desire for liquor. At night, he slept fitfully with his face down. His wife noticed the changes in him. “Are you sick, my husband?” she asked one day while massaging his back to comfort him.
“No,” he replied.
“Was the king cross with you?” she asked again.
“No,” said Illisa. “Perhaps our children or the servants have done something to upset you?” continued his wife. Again his answer was negative.
“Or do you have a strong craving for something?” she tried again.
Illisa the Cheap kept quiet. He was afraid if he told her, it might end up costing him money! But his wife pleaded with him to reveal what was bothering him. “Tell me, please tell me,” she said. Finally, swallowing hard and clearing his throat, he said, “Yes, I do have a strong craving.”
“A craving for what?” she asked.
“For a sip of liquor,” he admitted at last.
“Oh, is that all?” answered his wife. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? You are not a poor man. In fact, you are so rich that you can easily buy a drink for yourself and the whole city as well if you like! Shall I brew a big batch of liquor for everyone?” she asked.
Of course, this wasn’t what Illisa the Cheap wanted to hear. “Why should we give free liquor to others? Let them earn their own!” he blurted out.
“Well then, what about just us and our neighbours?” his wife asked.
“I didn’t know that you have become so rich all of a sudden!” he shot back at her.
“How about just our household then?” she asked again. “How generous you are with my money!”
“All right then,” she said, “I will brew just enough liquor for you and me, my husband.”
“Why should you be included? Women should not drink liquor!” came Illisa’s swift reply.
“Okay, I understand perfectly well now!” said Illisa’s wife. “I will brew only enough liquor for you alone.”

“If you prepare liquor here, people will know of it sooner or later and come begging for some. Even if I buy from a liquor store and bring it back to drink, others will still find out and want some. There will be no liquor given away in this house!” he said strongly.
Illisa decided the best course of action was to give the smallest coin he had to a servant boy, and sent him running to the liquor store. When he returned, Illisa took him to the riverside, got the small bottle of liquor from the boy, set him to stand guard nearby before hiding himself in the underbush. Next, he poured some liquor into a cup and began to drink secretly.

In this story, it happened that Illisa’s father had been reborn as King Sakka, the god king of the 33 levels of Heaven. He had this fortunate rebirth because he was generous and charitable throughout his life. At this particular moment, King Sakka was wondering whether his free food kitchen was still dishing out food to the needy. He discovered that it no longer existed, that his son had abandoned this family tradition and had even chased the poor and hungry out onto the streets! With his magic powers, he saw his miserly son hiding in the bushes drinking by himself as he was afraid that he might have to share the drink with others.

King Sakka decided to teach Illisa a lesson, a lesson about the effects of both good and bad actions. He decided to transform stingy Illisa into a generous person so that he too could be reborn in a heavenly world. With this thought, King Sakka changed his own appearance and became the spitting image of Illisa the Cheap with all his physical deformities. He entered the city, went to the palace, and asked for an audience with the king.

“Let my adviser Illisa come in,” said the king. “Why have you come at this hour?”
“My lord,” said King Sakka, “I have come to give you all my wealth. You can then fill the treasury to the brim.”
“No, no. I have enough, much more than is needed,” replied the king.
“If you do not want it, my lord, kindly permit me to give it away as I wish,” answered the disguised King Sakka.
“Do as you wish then,” replied the king.

King Sakka left the palace and went to Illisa’s house. As the god was the exact likeness of Illisa, the servants greeted him as if he were indeed their master. He entered the house and sat down. He summoned the gatekeeper and instructed him to chase anyone out who looked like him and wanted to come into the house. Then he went upstairs and looked for Illisa’s wife. “My love, let us be generous!” he said smilingly when he saw her.

Illisa’s wife, children and servants were surprised. “He has never given anything to anybody before. It must be the alcohol that is causing him to behave so abnormally,” they said to one other.
“As you wish, my lord, give away as much as you like,” replied Illisa’s wife.
“Call for the drummer then,” said King Sakka, “and order him to go beat his drum in the city. Let him announce that all who desire gold, silver, pearls, jewels, lapis lazuli, diamonds and corals are to come to the residence of Illisa the billionaire.”

She did what he said. Soon, a large crowd began to arrive carrying baskets, buckets and bags of all sizes. King Sakka opened up the storerooms containing Illisa’s wealth and said,
“I give you all these riches. Take as much as you want and go.” So the people took it all outside and piled it up. They filled up their containers and carried them away.

One clever man from the countryside even made use of Illisa’s bullock cart to carry off Illisa’s wealth. First, he harnessed Illisa’s bullocks to the bullock cart. Then he filled it to the brim with Illisa’s seven treasures, and rode out of the city by the main road. Without knowing it, he passed by the bushes where the real Illisa was hiding, still drinking his liquor. He was so happy about becoming rich overnight that he shouted, “May Lord Illisa the billionaire live a hundred years! Because of you, I have struck the jackpot. I won’t have to work another day in my life! These were your bullocks, your cart and your seven treasures. They were not given to me by my father and mother — but by you, Illisa the generous!” Illisa was shocked to hear this. “This man is talking about me! How can it be! Has the king confiscated my wealth and given it away?” he thought. He jumped out from the bushes and shouted, “Hey you, what are you doing with my bullock cart?” He grabbed the reins and stopped the cart.

The villager got down and said, “What’s wrong with you? The billionaire Lord Illisa is giving away his wealth to all the people of the city. What do you think you are doing?” As he said this, he hit Illisa hard on the head and rode away on the cart filled with treasures. Illisa the Cheap bounced to his feet and chased after the cart. He grabbed the reins a second time. Again the villager got down from the cart, seized Illisa by the hair and struck him hard several times on the head before grabbing him by the neck and throwing him onto the ground. Then he drove off. Thoroughly sobered by now, Illisa ran home as fast as he could. He saw crowds of people carting off his precious jewels. He tried to stop them, but they just pushed him out of the way and knocked him down. He nearly fainted from the scuffle. Covered with bruises, he tried to get into his house only to be stopped by his gatekeeper. “Where do you think you’re going?” said the gatekeeper roughly. He hit him with a cane, then grabbed him by the throat and threw him out.

“The king would be able to help me,” thought Illisa. So he quickly ran to the palace to see the king. “My lord, why do you allow my house to be looted?” he asked the king.
“This is not my doing. You, yourself, came to me and said if I would not accept your wealth, you would give it all to the citizens of the country. I applaud your generosity! Next, you sent a drummer out onto the streets to announce that you are giving your wealth away to anyone and everyone.”
“My lord, you must be joking! I did not do such a thing. People don’t call me ‘Illisa the Cheap’ for nothing! I don’t give anything to anybody if I can help it! Please, my lord, summon whoever is giving my treasures away and clear up this matter.”
After being summoned by the king, King Sakka came to the palace. “Who do you think is the real billionaire, my king?” Illisa asked. Neither the king nor his ministers could tell the difference between them.

“We cannot tell. Do you know someone who can recognise you for sure?”
“Yes, my lord, my wife can recognise me,” said Illisa. But when she was summoned and asked to decide, she stood next to King Sakka and said, “This is my husband, my lord.” When Illisa’s children and servants were called upon, they too chose King Sakka.
“I have a wart on my head that is covered up by my hair. Only my barber knows this,” Illisa thought. “Please summon my barber. He knows me very well,” he then said to the king.
The barber was called up. “Can you tell us which of these two men is Illisa the billionaire?” asked the king.

“I must examine their heads,” he said, “then I will be able to determine who the real Illisa is.”
“Do so,” replied the king.

Immediately, King Sakka used his magic to conjure up a wart on his head. When the barber examined them, he found warts on both heads. “Oh king, I cannot recognize which is the real Illisa. Both have crooked feet, hands and eyes, and both have warts on the same spots on their heads! I can’t tell the difference!” he exclaimed. When Illisa heard this, he began to tremble. He was so terrified and fearful of losing his last hope of regaining his wealth that he fainted on the spot. At that very moment, King Sakka manifested his true form and declared, “I’m not Illisa. I’m King Sakka, the god king of the 33 levels of Heaven.” As he said this, he levitated into the air and stayed there.

To wake Illisa from his fainting spell, the attendants splashed cold water on his face. Illisa then knelt down in respect before King Sakka, the King of Gods.
“Illisa, this wealth came from me, not from you. When I was your father, I performed many meritorious deeds. I was glad to give to the poor and needy. That is why, when I died, I was reborn as King Sakka, the King of Gods,” spoke King Sakka to Illisa.

“However, you have violated our family tradition,” he continued. “You live the life of a miser, burned my charity dining hall to the ground, and chased the homeless beggars out onto the streets. You kept all the family wealth to yourself. You are so stingy that you are even unwilling to spend it for your own enjoyment! The family fortune is completely useless in your hands. It would be better if you were dead!
“Illisa, son of my former life, if you change your ways and become generous, you will be the one to benefit most. If you rebuild my free food kitchen and give hot meals to all who ask, you will earn both merit and peace of mind. But if you persist in being stingy, I will make all your wealth disappear into thin air, and I will split your crooked skull with my divine diamond dagger!” Fearing for his life, Illisa promised King Sakka that he would give generously from then onwards. King Sakka accepted his promise. Still floating in the air, he preached the true value of generosity and of giving. He also convinced Illisa to practise the Five Precepts for the benefit of himself and others. Killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying or speaking falsely, and losing control of one’s mind from the consumption of alcohol were to be given up entirely.

Then King Sakka vanished and returned to his home in the heavens above. As for Illisa, he did indeed change for the better. He gave alms generously, performed many other good deeds, and became much happier. When he died, he was reborn in a heavenly world.

The moral is Poor indeed is the rich man who won’t part with a penny.

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